My name is Mike Hancock and I’ve been born and bred in Portsmouth. As a journalist, I’ve dedicated my career over the last 20 odd years to following the latest news and exploits of the local MPs and party representatives

Failing Education
A recent quote from Stella Creasy, Labour MP expresses concerns that the nation’s football team could well be underperforming due to a glut of players coming from a private education background, raising concerns that talented players who come through the state school system are likely to be missed.

Pivately educated footballers
13% of England’s national team were privately educated – a figure which represents twice that of those who attend private school nationally. This suggests that there is an increasing problem of a narrowed focus on talent, with comprehensive schools being overlooked as a source of skilled players.
This statement, however, has been dismissed as irrelevant by Mr Redwood, Wokingham’s MP, who supports the idea of developing more grammar schools specifically because of their ability to select young talent at an earlier age allowing them more time to hone their skills.

The debate criticism
Andy Burnham, our former shadow home secretary, who expressed his opposition to the idea of giving more schools the opportunity to select pupils. His opinion is that sports aren’t really about life as a whole, and he cites the idea that labelling any child at the age of 11 as second rate is wrong.
PPF’s Educational Reach

The Chairman of the PPF also released a statement welcoming Betway to its partnership, pointing out the importance of athlete education and his delight in seeing a betting company offering its support to his company’s most vital work. Thanks to the sportsbook’s support, the PPF will be able to expand their educational reach, working productively in collaboration with the betting industry to enhance the reputation of the UK as a home of fair play, integrity and sporting excellence.
It is hoped now that this most recent pairing of a sporting organisation and a sports betting company will lead to further projects of a similar nature to boost the educational profile of the UK’s premier athletes and the rising stars and homegrown talent of the sporting community right across the nation and across a range of sporting sectors.
It is hoped now that this most recent pairing of a sporting organisation and a sports betting company will lead to further projects of a similar nature to boost the educational profile of the UK’s premier athletes and the rising stars and homegrown talent of the sporting community right across the nation and across a range of sporting sectors.